PEDAGOGIKA, PSIXOLOGIYA VA IJTIMOIY TADQIQOTLAR | JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL RESEARCH 2024-11-29T09:48:24+00:00 Feruz Nurov Open Journal Systems <p><strong><a href="">“PEDAGOGIKA, PSIXOLOGIYА VA IJTIMOIY TADQIQOTLAR (JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL RESEARCH, ISSN 2992-8931)</a>”</strong> keng ilmiy jamoatchilikka ilmiy tadqiqotlar natijalari bo‘yicha, jumladan, xalqaro miqyosda axborot almashish imkoniyatini yaratish, tadqiqotchilarni ilmiy ishlanmalarni amaliyotga tatbiq etishning ilg‘or jahon tajribasi bilan tanishtirishdan iborat. Jurnal turli mamlakatlar olimlari va o‘qituvchilari o‘rtasida samarali muloqot uchun yuqori sifatli diskursiv ilmiy maydon yaratish; yangi g‘oyalar va tadqiqot natijalarining xalqaro miqyosda keng tarqalishini ta’minlash; yosh olim va tadqiqotchilarning o‘zining samarali taqdim etish yo‘llarini targ’ib qilish; muhim xalqaro ilmiy tadbirlar, nashrlar to‘g‘risida keng ilmiy jamoatchilikni xabardor qilish. Bu tadqiqotchilarga o‘zlari tomonidan olib borilgan ilmiy ishlarining natijalarini O‘zbekistonda turib bo‘lsa-da keng ilmiy jamoatchilikka taqdim etish, o‘z ilmiy salohiyatlarini oshirish, erkin ilmiy fikr almashinish imkonini beradi. Jurnalda e’lon qilingan ilmiy maqolalar xalqaro ilmiy bazalarda indekslanadi.</p> <p> </p> Computer Networks: the Backbone of the Digital Age 2024-11-05T08:25:38+00:00 Ruzimov Bahromjon Bakhodirjonovich <p><em>Computer networks have revolutionized the way we communicate, share information, and conduct business.expand_more This paper explores the fundamental concepts of computer networks, including their architecture, protocols, topologies, and security considerations. It delves into the historical development of networks, their impact on society, and explores emerging research areas that are shaping the future of network communication.</em></p> 2024-11-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IQTISODIY SUDLARDA PROKUROR VAKOLATINI TA’MINLASH FAOLIYATI YANADA TAKOMILLASHTIRILDI 2024-11-08T05:34:08+00:00 I. Yusupov A. Paygamov A. Xaitboyev <p>Ushbu maqolada Said Ahmadning hajviy hikoyalari va ularda qo‘llanilgan metaforalar hamda ularning turlari haqida fikr-mulohazalar bayon qilingan bo‘lib, fikrlarni dalillash uchun yozuvchi “Lab haqida doston”, “Ming yillik janjal”, “Oftobga chiqqan mushuk”, “Yur, yuvamiz” kabi hajviy hikoyalar tahlilga tortilgan.</p> 2024-11-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IMAGINATION AS A MENTAL PROCESS AND FORMS OF ITS MANIFESTATIONS 2024-11-20T06:33:25+00:00 Razykova Lola Tuychievna <p><em>the author of the article addressed a very interesting mental process. Almost all human culture - material, spiritual - is the fruit, the product of people's imagination and creativity. The process of imagination enables a person to go beyond the real world. </em></p> 2024-11-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ТИББИЁТ ОЛИЙГОХЛАРИДА НЕМИС ТИЛИНИ ЎҚИТИШДА ГРАММАТИК МАШҚЛАРНИНГ АХАМИЯТИ 2024-11-20T08:28:33+00:00 Зиёдуллаев Жавохир Уткир угли Айтмуратова Перхан Генжебаевна <p>Ушбу мақола мақсади тиббиёт олийгохларида утилаётган чет тилида (немис тилида) нутқни грамматик жихатдан тўғри ташкил эта олиш ва мулоқотни тушунарли бўлишига хизмат қилишидир. Шунингдек тиббиёт оид турли мазмундаги ёзма ва оғзаки маълумотларнинг мазмунини аниқроқ англаб етиш, кабилардан иборат. Немис тили ўзининг грамматик тузилиши, марфологик ва синтактик қоидаларнинг мураккаблиги билан бошқа қардош тиллардан ажралиб туради. Ундаги қоидаларни тушуниб етиш ҳамда эгаллаш масаласи ўрганувчининг асосий эътиборини ўзига жалб этади. Шу нуқтаи-назардан немис тилини ўқитишда талабаларга берилаётган тил материалларнинг ичида грамматик материаллар муҳим аҳамиятга эга.</p> 2024-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SPECIFIC PARTS OF SPEECH IN GERMAN LANGUAGE 2024-11-20T12:48:56+00:00 Fayzullaev Farkhod Ubaidullaevich <p>This article is devoted to the topic of segmented speech in German linguistics. No matter how long the phenomenon of segmentation has been studied in various linguistic materials to this day, it remains one of the most important and urgent problems of any modern linguistic discipline, and primarily of the syntax of the German language. The content of the article is revealed with the help of known examples as a result of the analysis of scientific research conducted by linguists on this topic.</p> 2024-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MANIFESTATIONS OF AGGRESSION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS 2024-11-21T11:57:32+00:00 Mutalipova Feruzabanu Mukhammatbek <p>Aggressiveness is one of the most important characteristics of behavior and behavior that determines the effect of individual development and interpersonal relations. Aggression is a set of individual or collective actions aimed at causing physical and psychological harm to people, groups of people. Today, human history reliably proves that aggression is becoming an integral part of individual and social life. In addition, aggression has enormous gravity and contagion—many people deny that they are aggressive, but in their daily lives, they display it widely. It is aggressive behavior that leads to the emergence of interpersonal conflicts and unreasonable ways of solving them.</p> 2024-11-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PRIMARY CLASS STUDENTS AND THEIR ADAPTATION TO SCHOOL EDUCATION 2024-11-21T12:00:20+00:00 Mutalipova Feruzabanu Mukhammatbek <p>In small school, young students face a number of difficulties in adapting to school education. In order to prevent this, parents should prepare the child for the discipline of the school in advance, arouse interest in the character of the student, prepare him for educational activities, only then it will be easier to overcome the difficulties faced by the students in the process of adaptation. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of children of primary school age, taking into account the level of physical maturity in the organization of educational work at school, is the key to success.</p> 2024-11-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 КАСБИЙ ТАЪЛИМ СОҲАСИДАГИ ИСЛОХОТЛАР 2024-11-22T11:33:50+00:00 Алижонова Хуршида Набижоновна <p>Ушбу мақола Касбий таълим соҳасида институционал яхлитликни таъминлаш ва бошқарув тизими самарадорлигини ошириш, халқаро таълим дастурларини жорий этиш ҳамда ички ва ташқи меҳнат бозори талабларига мос рақобатбардош ўрта бўғин кадрлари тайёрлаш тизимини ислоҳ қилиш институционал яхлитликни таъминлаш масалаларига бағишланади. Мақолада касбий таълимни ривожлантиришнинг педагогик имкониятлари тахлил қилинган.</p> 2024-11-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN THE WORLD EXPERIENCE IN UZBEKISTAN 2024-11-28T10:41:37+00:00 Makkamov Xojiakbar Mirzanazarovich <p>The Republic of Uzbekistan calls for the implementation of a number of important issues such as the development of professional education. Therefore, now the organization of technical schools and their training on the basis of foreign educational technologies is becoming a requirement of the period.</p> <p>To develop training in Professional education, it is necessary to strengthen foreign relations. To do this, it is necessary to conduct scientific and practical conferences to analyze the experience of developed countries and establish cooperation with them.</p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MATBAA FAOLIYATIDA ISHLAB CHIQARISH VA SOTISH BILAN BOG'LIQ BOSHQA XARAJATLARNI HISOBGA OLISH BILAN BOG'LIQ MUAMMOLAR 2024-11-28T10:45:55+00:00 Abduganieva Gulzodaxon Karimullaevna <p>Ushbu maqola matbaa korxonalarining buxgalteriya hisobi sub'ekti sifatidagi xususiyatlari va matbaa korxonalaridagi buxgalteriya faoliyatining tashkiliy-huquqiy asoslariga bag'ishlangan.</p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PEDAGOGIK ME’YORLAR VA ULARNING O’QITUVCHI ODOBIGA TA’SIRI 2024-11-29T09:48:24+00:00 Zaynobidinova Naima Inomidinovna Siddiqova N. G. <p>Ushbu maqola xalqaro pedagogik me’yorlarning o‘qituvchi odobiga qanday ta’sir ko‘rsatishini tahlil qiladi. Globalizatsiya va texnologik taraqqiyotlar ta’lim sohasida xalqaro hamkorliklarni kuchaytirgan bir paytda, xalqaro pedagogik standartlar tobora muhim ahamiyat kasb etmoqda. Maqola turli mamlakatlarda qabul qilingan pedagogik standartlarni va ularning o‘qituvchilarning kasbiy xulq-atvoriga qanday ta’sir ko‘rsatishini o‘rganadi. Shuningdek, xalqaro me’yorlar o‘qituvchilarni qanday qilib ko‘proq mas’uliyatli, adolatli va o‘z kasbining ustasi bo‘lishga undashi, ammo ba’zi hollarda ularning ijodiy erkinliklarini cheklashi mumkinligi haqida tahlillar keltiriladi. Natijalar, xalqaro pedagogik me’yorlarning o‘qituvchi odobiga ijobiy va salbiy ta’sirlarini ko‘rsatadi va bu ta’sirlar o‘qituvchilarning pedagogik yondashuvlariga va umumiy ta’lim sifatiga qanday o‘zgarishlar kiritishi mumkinligi muhokama qilinadi.</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024